
May 24, 2023, 9:00 AM
The speed of the water flowing in this part of Lyons Creek has caused significant stream channel and bluff erosion in multiple areas. This project will stabilize the erosion, reducing risks to surrounding property and negative water quality impacts.
Apr 18, 2023, 2:45 PM
The National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) recognized the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District’s Freshwater Monitoring program with the Operations & Environmental Performance award in 2023.
Apr 13, 2023, 9:38 AM
Please be safe around our concrete lined rivers. The concrete-lined streams can be dangerous. Stay out of the concrete-lined channel since the water can be fast-moving and the concrete slippery.
Apr 4, 2023, 9:45 AM
Severe storms and heavy rain are forecasted in the Greater Milwaukee area, therefore MMSD has issued a Water Drop Alert on April 4, 2023. Please reduce water use.